District Ends

Broad, visionary goals guide the district

The 修车大队 Board of Education is governed using the policy governance model. The Board sets broad policy that establishes the vision and direction of the district for the Superintendent to implement. The most significant policy the Board creates is the District Ends. These are aspirational and visionary goals for the district from which the Superintendent is able to create programs for students.

The Ends are purposely designed to be visionary and broad, giving the district the focus and direction it needs to support students. Each End has sub-components that describe the way that End is interpreted and then benchmarks to measure the progress of the district toward attaining those Ends.

The Ends are formed around the PSD vision: 修车大队 exists to support and inspire every child to think, to learn, to care and to graduate prepared to be successful in a changing world.

For more information, please refer to the Board of Education's District Ends Policy (DE 1.0). 


PSD District Ends 

Foundations for Success

PSD students attain milestones to ensure long-term academic success. PSD measures and monitors individual student progress against these milestones.

1. Students in Early Childhood Education through graduation demonstrate levels of achievement in learning skills and content knowledge consistent with high expectations across all academic areas in the Colorado Academic Standards and the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education.

  • Dance
  • Drama and Theatre Arts
  • Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Reading, Writing, and Communicating
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Visual Arts
  • World Languages
  • Career and Technical Education

2. Students successfully manage transitions.

3. Students exhibit healthy behaviors in a school environment that supports excellent physical fitness, nutrition, and mental health.


Success in a Changing World

PSD students are prepared for college and workforce success. PSD ensures access and encourages participation in a wide range of experiences that reflect expectations of a changing world.

1. Students demonstrate college and workforce readiness.

2. Students exhibit these 21st century skills within appropriate academic areas and grade levels:

  • Work Ethic
  • Global and Cultural Awareness
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Information, Media and Technology Literacy
  • Communication
  • Civic Responsibility
  • Collaboration
  • Social and Emotional Skills


Above and Beyond

PSD students are challenged, motivated, and inspired to reach their personal level of excellence. PSD offers students a broad and diverse set of opportunities that cultivates their talents and offers multiple pathways to high levels of success.

1. Students have opportunities to excel in their personal areas of interest.

2. Students have opportunities for authentic experiences.



PSD students are academically and socially connected to their school and community. PSD provides engaging opportunities to support students' individual pursuits and interests.

1. Students have opportunities to pursue avenues of personal connection with the world and people around them.

2. Students have opportunities to develop and sustain enduring connections with their school communities.