Board Committees

Board of Education Directors and Committees Listing

Board of Education directors serve on committees within the district and outside of the district at the city and state level. Liaisons to specific committees are listed below. 


Representatives on Board committees: 

Audit Committee 
Jim Brokish and Carolyn Reed
See district policy DIEA for a description of this committee.

District Advisory Board (DAB) 
Jim Brokish  (alternate - Scott Schoenbauer)
See district policy AB for a description of this committee.

District Accountability Committee (DAC) 
Scott Schoenbauer (alternate - Carolyn Reed)
See district policy AE for a description of this committee. 


Liaisons to other committees:

Official delegate -  Kevin Havelda  (alternate - Carolyn Reed)
The board delegate represents and votes on behalf of the board at the CASB Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly and at the Annual CASB Convention.

City/County/PSD Liaison Meeting
Kristen Draper and Kevin Havelda (alternate - Conor Duffy)
The committee meets quarterly to communicate and resolve joint issues among all three governmental agencies. Key issues include joint capital improvements, use of district facilities, land use and planning, development, law enforcement, and county agencies.

Early Childhood Policy Council (Your Voice: Families and Communities Together)
Jessica Zamora (alternate - Jim Brokish)
This group is required by Head Start and the Colorado Preschool Program and represents parents and community in all early childhood programs. PSD Early Childhood programs include Head Start, Early Head Start, the Colorado Preschool Program, Early Childhood Special Education/Integrated Services, Tuition-based preschool plus a variety of services covering from prenatal mothers until children are old enough to enter kindergarten.

Conor Duffy (alternate - Jessica Zamora)
The 修车大队 Foundation unites community resources for excellence in public education. The Board of Directors, which is comprised of community volunteers, meets monthly August through June.

Fort Collins URA Board
Kristen Draper
The Fort Collins URA board meets as needed and is coordinated by the Fort Collins City Office of Redevelopment. Read a March 2019 statement from the PSD Board of Education regarding PSD's Fort Collins URA negotiating position.

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
Kevin Havelda and Jim Brokish
This committee advises the Special Education Leadership team on special education topics relevant to PSD and work with the PSD Integrated Services Department on various special education and parent focused projects.

Student Advisory Council
Jessica Zamora and Scott Schoenbauer
The Student Advisory Council members meet with selected PSD students throughout the school year. The students bring topics of discussion for the group to explore and, if action is needed, to the board as a whole. 

Representatives on subcommittees:

Board Legislative Subcommittee
Conor Duffy, Jim Brokish, Kristen Draper, Jessica Zamora, Carolyn Reed
The Board Legislative Subcommittee researches and plans the board's legislative agenda and advocacy strategy throughout the year. This subcommittee brings information back to the board and makes recommendations upon which the board will act.

Community Outreach Subcommittee
Kristen Draper

Quarterly Meeting with Business Partners
Kevin Havelda, Carolyn Reed
This group of business and community partners meets quarterly with PSD staff and representatives from the Board of Education to explore and develop opportunities for partnership between the district and the broader PSD community. The group focuses on developing opportunities that are in alignment with the district’s priorities.

Policy Review
Jessica Zamora, Kevin Havelda
Representatives of the board meet as needed with PSD’s Legal & Policy Council to review board policies and make recommendations on these policies as appropriate.