Project SEARCH

Transition Pathways Project Search logo


Project SEARCH (brochure) is a business led collaboration that enables young adults with disabilities to gain and maintain employment through career exploration and training at Columbine Health Systems and/or Banner Health.

  • Services: Students participate in two- three internships in their interest areas within Columbine Health Systems and/or Banner Health.
  • Eligibility: Students ages 18-21 who are currently receiving services through PSD Integrated Services and demonstrate transition needs in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are eligible. Students must be interested in obtaining a paid job and have completed credits required for graduation prior to entering the program. It is preferred that students have taken at least two semesters of ACE in high school prior to participation. Students must be in their last year of receiving support from PSD and have applied and be eligible for both Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Contact Information

Project Search Coordinator

Jayme Harper | 970.219.3150 |