Behavior Support

The primary role of the Behavior Intervention Coach (BIC) is to build the capacity of the school-based staff to meet the behavioral needs of general education students by:

  • conducting, and/or assisting staff in conducting Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) to develop insight into the purpose of students' behavior
  • collaborating with school teams and families to create feasible, effective and evidence-based   behavior intervention plans (BIP) to address behavior function, as well as progress monitoring tools to track students' response to intervention 
  • providing coaching to teams and teachers to support the implementation of behavior intervention plans and progress monitoring tools
  • working individually with students to teach/model behavior support strategies for staff and provide feedback
  • supporting school teams in interpreting data to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention plans and make data-informed decisions as to next steps
  • providing professional learning opportunities as requested by administrators and, as time allows, for the whole school and select groups of staff with the goal of increasing school capacity to manage problem behavior in the general education setting


 Note: Students must be referred by the school team to receive behavior support services. This form is intended for school use only. Parents, if you have concerns about your student's behavior, please reach out to your school. 


Contact Information

Behavior Intervention Coaches
Jill Cottingham | 970.286.1257 |

Natalee Jacobson | 970.567.2198 |

McKensie Nweke | 970.666.0882 |

Amiee Kellogg | 970.692.7845 |