Student Data Transparency & Security

Under Colorado’s Student Data Transparency and Security Act, PSD is required to post and maintain the following information on its website: (1) a link to the Colorado Department of Education’s Data Dictionary; (2) a link to the Colorado Department of Education’s inventory of data containing personally identifiable information on individual students; (3) student personally identifiable information collected and maintained by PSD in its electronic data system that is not reported to the Colorado Department of Education; (4) a list of the school service contract providers with which PSD contracts that includes a copy of each school service contract; and (5) to the extent practicable, a list of the school service on-demand providers that PSD and/or its employees use for school services.


Colorado Department of Education Resources


PSD Student Information

Two types of student personally identifiable information are collected and maintained by PSD in its electronic data system that is not reported to the Colorado Department of Education: directory information and confidential student record information.


Directory Information

Directory Information is information contained in a student’s education record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, the student’s name, photograph, audio and/or video recordings, major field of study, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, honors and awards received, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. Directory information does not include the student’s telephone number or address. Directory information is included in such general school publications as class rosters, athletic rosters, and school performance and awards programs. As such, it may be disclosed to the general public.

Confidential Student Record Information

Confidential Student Record Information may only be disclosed as authorized under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and District Policy JRA/JRC

Descriptions of confidential student record information collected by PSD that are not reported to the CDE.>>

Contract and On-Demand Providers

School Service Contract Providers

As defined under the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, a “school service contract provider” is an entity, other than the Colorado Department of Education, a K-12 public education entity or an institution of higher education, that enters into a formal, negotiated contract with PSD to provide a school service.


As defined under the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, a “school service” is an Internet website, online service, online application or mobile application that: (a) is designed and marketed primarily for use in a preschool, elementary school or secondary school; (b) is used at the direction of PSD teachers or other employees; and (c) collects, maintains or uses student personally identifiable information. A “school service” does not include an Internet website, online service, online application or mobile application that is designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed to a United States preschool, elementary school or secondary school. 



School Service On-Demand Providers

As defined under the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, a “school service on-demand provider” is an entity, other than the Colorado Department of Education or a K-12 public education entity, that provides a school service on occasion to PSD subject to agreement by PSD or one of its employees to standard non-negotiable terms and conditions of service established by the providing entity.


As defined under the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, a “school service” is an Internet website, online service, online application or mobile application that: (a) is designed and marketed primarily for use in a preschool, elementary school or secondary school; (b) is used at the direction of PSD teachers or other employees; and (c) collects, maintains or uses student personally identifiable information. A “school service” does not include an Internet website, online service, online application or mobile application that is designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed to a United States preschool, elementary school or secondary school.