PSD Foundation: Investing in learning opportunities for every child

A letter from the PSD Foundation board president -

Welcome back!  The long days of summer are growing shorter, but another great school year is just beginning. 

Arthur SintasMy name is Arthur Sintas and I have the honor to serve as the board president of the 修车大队 Foundation. Our organization was established over 30 years ago by a group of committed parents and community members with the belief all students deserve access to quality educational experiences. Our sole purpose is to serve the needs of the students and teachers of 修车大队. 

In addition to my board role, I am also the proud parent of a PSD third grader. I know first-hand the challenges our schools, families, and students faced as we confronted the impacts of COVID-19. These last few years have been long, but our community came out stronger and proved working together is in our DNA.

It is here, between serving as a community leader and as a PSD parent, that I write to you today.  As you may not know, Colorado is 43rd out of 50 states in school funding on a per-student basis. Closer to home, Poudre School district is “floor funded” which means the school district only receives the minimum amount of funding a school district in Colorado can receive. Ouch! 

On the bright side, we can do something about it! Our community can invest into the educational experiences of our students through the PSD Foundation. We are committed to investing in lifelong learning opportunities that compliment and celebrate every student, quality teachers, and innovative programming. By working with our PSD community, the PSD Foundation can fill funding gaps to ensure every student has access to opportunities that will help them thrive. Your donations and involvement are more important than ever!

I’ve chosen to support the PSD Foundation because I know my individual contributions provide an additional level of investment into innovative ideas and programs that a stretched school budget cannot always provide. A little donation each month goes a long way and when we combine all our contributions, that is when we can make a big impact! 

Consider making a monthly donation to the PSD Foundation’s general fund to truly make a difference in the lives of students and teachers. Monthly, recurring gifts provide vital support to the Foundation’s focused funding areas which include: literacy, mental health and belonging, graduation with options, and compassion fund. Your gifts will assist in building a strong community - benefiting those in our schools, our neighborhoods, and our community.  

With the foundation laid by visionary leaders 30 years ago, now is your time to play a vital role in advancing access to opportunities for our students and teachers in 修车大队. Are you ready? Donate today!