EAS Frequently Asked Questions


修车大队's Employee Assistance Services (EAS) program supports employees*  and their family members with mental health and substance use services. While the primary focus of EAS is counseling, EAS is also the administrator of PSD’s Mental Health/Substance Use benefit plan. Please call 970-488-4925 to make an appointment with a licensed EAS therapist. EAS is not a walk-in clinic.  

* Temporary employees, substitutes, and varied hour employees without a pay assignment are not eligible for EAS services.

If you don't find answers to your questions about EAS here, please email eas@psdschools.org for information.

Will my supervisor/colleagues/HR know I went to EAS?

There are two answers to this question:

1.) Only if you tell them, or
2.) If you request, through a signed release of information, that EAS communicate to another party on your behalf.

Your confidentiality is protected by strict state and federal laws and regulations and professional ethical standards for therapists. Confidentiality will be fully explained at your first appointment.

I don’t have insurance with PSD – can I get free counseling through EAS?

Yes.  Even if you don’t have PSD health insurance, you may still take advantage of the five free counseling sessions per problem/per plan year available through EAS.

Can my family members get free counseling too?

Yes. Eligible household family members are welcome to take advantage of the free counseling sessions available through EAS, even if they don’t have PSD health insurance.  Please contact EAS for questions about “eligible household family members”.

What if I need more than five sessions?

If you want longer term counseling services and you have PSD health insurance, you may choose to work with a provider in the EAS Preferred Provider Network and receive in-network benefits. 

Additionally, PPO-1 and PCDHP health plan members may choose to work with a non-network licensed mental health/substance use provider and use non-network benefits.

EAS is happy to help you with care coordination, treatment planning, and recommendations to EAS network providers that fit your specific needs and preferences.

If you do not have PSD health insurance, EAS may be able to direct you to other community resources to meet your needs.

Am I required to go through EAS first to receive counseling with a network provider? What if I am already seeing a provider?

For most services*, you are not required to go through EAS - you are welcome to work with an in-network provider of your choice. If you would like help with treatment planning, care coordination, and/or network provider recommendations, please make an appt with EAS to discuss your specific needs and preferences.

Some services do require EAS intake and assessment and/or precertification to assure they meet health plan coverage and/or medical necessity criteria, as follows:

  • Group therapy
  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback
  • Psychological/Neuropsychological testing
  • Inpatient Hospitalization
  • Partial Hospitalization
  • Intensive Outpatient
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  • Durable Medical Equipment (SAD lightbox; Alpha Stim; other MH/SU equipment/devices)

If you are a PPO-1 or PCDHP health plan member and are in treatment with a licensed non-network provider, ask your provider to send their claims to EAS. If your non-network provider only accepts self pay, ask them for a superbill so that you can receive non-network benefit reimbursement. Please submit the superbill and an EAS Claim Reimbursement Form to:

Employee Assistance Services
2850 McClelland Drive
Suite 2200
Fort Collins CO  80525

phone: 970-488-4925 phone  |  fax: 970-488-4933  |  email: eas@psdschools.org

Are EAS services only available for work-related issues?

No. In fact, we encourage you to access EAS for any concern you may have, whether it be for work related issues, personal relationships, mental health, substance use/addiction, etc.  If something is a concern in your life, you are welcome to visit with an EAS therapist for support.

Can EAS prescribe medication?

No.  However, if you have PSD health insurance, EAS can assist with treatment planning, care coordination, and a recommendation to an appropriate EAS network provider for medication management.

Can I schedule my appointment during work hours?

You may treat your EAS appointments the same as any other medical appointment.  If your worksite allows medical appointments during work hours, you may apply that allowance to your EAS appointments.  Every effort is made to schedule appointments according to client needs.  

Is confidentiality assured?

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of EAS.  Your confidentiality is protected by strict state and federal laws and regulations, as well as by professional ethical standards for therapists. EAS counselors may not release any information about your services at EAS without your prior written approval.  There are mandated exceptions wherein state law requires reporting of child/elder abuse or neglect, and certain situations of danger to self or others. Client records do not become part of an individuals personnel file.

Confidentiality will be fully explained at your first appointment.

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EAS phone: 970.488-4925 | Fax: 970.488.4933 | eas@psdschools.org

2850 McClelland Drive, Suite 2200 
Fort Collins, CO  80525

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EAS Available 24/7

EAS provides crisis response 24/7 at 970-488-4925 x1.

There is no cost for after-hours counseling. All contact is confidential.

For life-threatening emergencies or if you or a loved one is a danger to themselves or others, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

School Board


EAS patients are protected by state and federal laws and regulations, as well as professional ethical standards for counselors. EAS counselors may not release details regarding patient discussions without prior written approval from the patient. State law requires reporting of child/elder abuse or neglect and certain situations of danger to self or others.