Firm looking at A/C, solar, needed improvements for PSD buildings

修车大队 runs 73 facilities, including schools, program sites, office buildings, and athletic facilities. PSD values being a responsible steward of its sites and the public dollars that fund them. In keeping with that value, the district set out to discover new ways to operate each building as efficiently as possible and hired an independent third-party firm through a competitive process.  

Sign up to attend Oct. 17 community engagement session

The PSD Board of Education and superintendent invite members of the PSD community to participate in an upcoming community engagement session from 6 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 17, at Fort Collins High School, 3400 Lambkin Way in Fort Collins.

The focus of this session will be district long-range planning. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk with Board of Education directors and the superintendent about district long-range planning.