PSD schools celebrate season of giving?

Giving back to the community is not limited only to the holiday season. However, this time of year tends to be a season for sharing with others and reflecting on what is truly important. Many 修车大队 schools have established initiatives and events geared toward giving back in recent weeks and throughout the school year. Each school has unique traditions and ways they give back, but here are a few recent highlights across PSD.    

PSD holiday giving kicks off with Turkey Round Up

A group of kindergarteners cheered and shouted each time a classmate or staff member donated a turkey at Lopez Elementary School. Even as snowflakes began to fall, nothing could stop these students from excitedly counting each new donation and giving back to their community. 

PSD students, staff and volunteers across the district braved the cold weather before school on Nov. 17 to contribute to the Food Bank for Larimer County's Tour de Turkey food drive. This annual event helps provide meals for families and community members in need during the holidays.